Alan Creed, DC mentored with many of the most well respected originators of chiropractic techniques and he is the developer of the CREED NEURAL KINETIC INTEGRATION TECHNIQUE. Dr. Creed teaches nationwide seminars that bridge the use of ArthroStim® and the VibraCussor® instruments with traditional approaches. Dr. Creed condenses his experience and knowledge onto a 13 hour seminar on 6 DVD's. An illustrated manual is included.
George Gonzalez, DC teaches seminars nationwide and has authored a series of 6 instructional DVD's entitled the 5 MINUTE FIX SERIES. These DVDs demonstrate how to use the ArthroStim® instrument to rehabilitate common regions such as the: Cervical and Thoracic regions; Frozen Shoulder; Elbow and Wrist; Hip and Low Back; Knee & Ankle, and the Foot. The DVDs can be purchased individually, or as a set. Please contact Dr. George Gonzalez's office (323-653-2818) or IMPAC to order.
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